#technology #internet #wifi

#technology #internet #wifi

Originally shared by Lacerant Plainer

Wireless internet - cost effective, high speed and everywhere : Sounds like a dream? Well that's what researchers at University of Lancaster are working on. Using the W-band or the millimeter band , seems to be the way to go, promising cost effective and high speed data transfers. The system is yet to be tested in a real operating environment, but indications are favourable.

What is W-band wireless? : The ground-breaking £2.8 million TWEETHER project, funded by Horizon 2020, the biggest EU research and innovation programme ever, will set an important milestone in 'millimeter wave technology' for high speed wireless mobile and fixed point Internet.Millimeter waves - extremely high frequency waves found in the spectrum between microwaves and infrared waves - are deemed to be the most promising and cost effective solution for the future.

Promising : The TWEETHER project will result in a powerful and compact transmission hub, based on a novel travelling wave tube power amplifier and an advanced chipset in a compact terminal, with performance far outweighing any other technology. After three years of design and development, the system will be tested in a real operating environment.

New idea : Professor Paoloni said the answer was the exploitation of unused portions of the spectrum but at higher frequencies. The recent outstanding advancements in the field of vacuum electron devices and solid state electronics using millimetre wave frequencies opens the route for the breakthrough in wireless high speed data communications.

References and Sources

Phys.org: http://phys.org/news/2014-12-fastest-outdoor-wireless-internet-world.html


Related paper in IEEE : http://goo.gl/gi6K5L

Related paper in Optics Express: http://goo.gl/YIu969

Viasat site on next-gen satellites : https://www.viasat.com/broadband-satellite-networks/high-capacity-satellite-system

Related paper in Researchgate: http://goo.gl/bY8igq

Pics courtesy: Utexas, Science20 and sympatico.ca. (Pics for illustration only).

#internet #wireless #millimeterband  


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