Great news! Hopefully the 5TB (and 6TB) that are already available will become cheaper..

Great news! Hopefully the 5TB (and 6TB) that are already available will become cheaper..

#technology   #harddrive  

Originally shared by Engadget

Weekend Replay


  1. Unless you're a business it's hard to imagine filling up an 8TB hard drive.

  2. Nope, I could use a 8TB for my movies.. it might then fit everything, but probably not.. Maybe 8TB for movies and 8TB for series.. ;)

  3. What are they all in HD? Unless they're all HD it's still going to be incredibly hard to fill 8TB.

  4. Wayne Radinsky yep, most of them. Not worth watching otherwise :P

  5. I dunna know, it seems like a lot of movies don't really need HD. Unless these are all big-budget extravaganzas with elaborate special effects and stuff like that.

  6. My 1080ps are mostly around 8GB and 720ps around 4GB. So 8TB doesn't give you that unreachable size..

  7. I must be missing something. 8TB should be 1,000 8GB's. A terabyte (or, terror-byte, as I prefer to call it) = 1,000 gigabytes. Right?

  8. Exactly.. that would mean much less than 1000 movies. :P

  9. I'm confused. Are you saying a 1080p movie fits in an 8GB file? In that case you should be able to store 1,000 of them on an 8TB hard disk. But 8GB sounds too small for a 1080p movie.

  10. 1080p movies in mkv are around 8GB depending on the movie's length (about 1:40h). Unless it's in exceptional quality, with tons of audio options and so on.. I am happy with a 1080p mkv movie in at least 8GB.

  11. How many 8GB files fit on an 8TB hard disk?

  12. Less than 1000 for sure since a 8TB disk must be what, around 7.5GB of usable space? Plus the 1080p mkv movies varies around 8 and 10GB depending on the length.. And if some are not compressed (mkv) then they are around 22GB indeed as you mentioned. So that would make around 750 movies? (a rough estimation).

  13. Hard drive makers cheat and use 1,000 bytes per KB instead of 1,024 like the entire rest of the world. So an 8TB disk has 8,000,000,000,000 bytes, instead of 8,796,093,022,208 like you would expect. Or to put another way, your 8TB disk has 7.27 GB of "usable space". So your 7.5GB guess was actually a little high.

  14. Just out of curiosity, what are these movies that you like so much that you want them on a hard drive where you can play any of them at a moment's notice, and in high definition? They must mean a lot to you.

    I've been watching movies at random, but at the theater, as they are new releases.

  15. I also go to the theaters.. usually weekly. ;) 
    I just like movies. And for me to watch them at home it's not worth if they are not in HD.
    If there were a service where I could stream the movies I want, whenever I want in HD, I would gladly subscribe asap, but the existing ones still haven't reached a satisfactory level for me. They take too long to release a movie and it's even worse for series.. 
    It's much more convenient to have the movies stored in a hard drive connected to a personal network than to keep switching discs and having to choose what to watch from the cases every time.

  16. It's probably going to be that way for a while. Online streaming services like Netflix and iTunes are hamstrung by the movie studios and their efforts to make money from the theaters and TV and DVD/Blu-ray sales. It's not really a technology issue any more. You can upload an HD video to youtube and anyone with the bandwidth can play it, and that's been the case for a few years already, so lack of technological capability on the part of the streaming sites isn't the problem any more. Well, it would be nice if the whole network had more bandwidth, especially the "last mile" from the telco to the house, but I've managed to watch 720p movies off iTunes on a regular old Comcast connection. Someday we'll all have fiber and can watch multiple 1080p movies at the same time. Nobody can watch 10 movies at once so at some point the network bandwidth will exceed what the human brain can process.

    I really like movies, too, but I have a system of watching movies at random and as a result, I've seen a lot of movies people have never heard of and not seen a lot of movies "everybody" has seen. See, I can ask you what kind of movies you like, but because I've been watching movies from all genres, the question doesn't make so much sense for me...

    So, what kind of movies do you like? (ha, ha). Got any favorites?

  17. I like sci-fi/fantasy movies mostly, but basically the most important characteristics are having a clever plot and not being boring (too slow paced). ;)

    My favorite movies I would say The Fall (2006), Donnie Darko (2001), Alice (2009, from SyFy), Possession (alternative ending),  X-Men series, Twilight series (yes, guilty), Requiem For a Dream (2000), etc.. You can check a list that I did on imdb a couple of years ago and it basically hasn't changed much:
    Some might not be the best movies ever, but I deeply enjoy watching them ;)

    What about you, any favorites?

  18. Nice list. The only movies on it that I've seen are Amélie and The Matrix. Both great films. The Matrix is a classic and Amélie is just delightful.

    Funny you should mention the Twilight series. In February I went to see a movie called Vampire Academy. I never saw any of the previous "vampire" stuff, like Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Vampire Diaries, or the Twilight series. Maybe that's why I was blown away by Vampire Academy. I was like, wow, there's this whole fully matured vampire universe inside this movie, so much more than the old bat-flies-in-a-window stuff. And the really amazing thing about that movie was it gave me this weird tingly feeling, that's kind of similar but not exactly the same as that "chills go down the spine" feeling you get when you listen to music. And while lots of other movies can be exciting because of their suspense or chase scenes or special effects or whatnot, Vampire Academy remains the only movie I've ever seen that's given me that "tingly" feeling -- normally the only way I experience anything like that is from music, from that "chills go down the spine" feeling you get from music that affects you really powerfully.

    I managed to convince some friends of mine to watch it, a married couple, and he said the movie was "really, really awful" (exact words), and she said the movie was "pretty good" but borrowed a lot of ideas from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Vampire Diaries, Twilight, etc, and for that reason didn't seem very original. Neither one reported experiencing any tingly feeling. Vampire Academy, by the way, bombed miserably at the box office, and got some of the most miserable reviews you ever saw. I think Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 9% -- as in 9 out of 100, not 9 out of 10. I think it will always be one of my favorite movies, and it's weird to like a movie the rest of the world thinks is bad. Anyway, maybe one of these days I'll get around to watching the Twilight movies, maybe I'd like them, who knows. They're considered "porn for women", and if you look at the IMDB reviews it seems like it's very common for men to say the movies were terrible but for women to like them. Kind of like my married couple friends' reaction to Vampire Academy.

    Anyway, one of the weird side effects of watching films at random is that I used to be able to say "I like sci-fi" movies and don't like other movies like horror movies, and such, but it's pretty hard to say that now. For example, I went to see Oculus, a horror movie, and ended up really liking it. So am I now a fan of horror movies? I saw What If, a romantic comedy, and really liked it, so am I now a fan of rom-coms? I never considered myself an Adam Sandler fan, but I went to see Blended and was laughing so hard my sides were splitting the whole way through. I never considered myself a fan of sports movies, but was really impressed by Million Dollar Arm. So am I now a fan of sports movies? I liked The Fault In Our Stars, does that make me a fan of tearjerkers? I used to say I liked sci-fi but now I don't know, I seem to like all sorts of movies in categories I didn't used to think I liked. I still like sci-fi, too. Really liked The Signal, but that's a movie where the less you know about it going in, the better it works.

    My all-time favorite movie (series), by the way, is The Hunger Games, which is a weird pick for someone my age. (I'm sorry, I know I'm supposed to pick Star Wars or Star Trek or something like that, but those seem so dated and The Hunger Games seems to capture the essential Zeitgeist of the times we live in.)


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