#technology #mindcontrol #mindcontrolled #robotics

#technology   #mindcontrol   #mindcontrolled   #robotics  

Originally shared by Lacerant Plainer

Mind-controlled Technology : We are seeing more and more of this. From the control of a simple toy to the control of quadcopter and now mind controlled aircraft, gaming and robots. In some ways, the future is already here. Some of the applications have still not been dreamed of. But either ways, this is another SF trope which is now a reality.

Mind-Controlled Quadcopter : A team of researchers at the University of Minnesota has just created a quadcopter that can perform feats of aerial agility, controlled entirely by the pilot’s thoughts. Using electroencephalography (EEG), a non-invasive cap fitted with 64 electrodes reads the electrical impulses of the brain to control the copter. Thinking of making a fist with the left hand, for example, fires off certain neurons in the brain’s motor cortex; the cap interprets this pattern and sends a command to the copter to turn left. (http://goo.gl/ob8EVj)

Using the brain to control rats : Researchers at a Cambridge, Mass.-based university were able to use a human mind to control the physical movement of a live rat. A human wears a standard EEG-based "brain-to-computer interface" (BCI) while the rat wears the reverse "computer-to-brain interface" (CBI,) according to a report from ExtremeTech.com. The rat's interface also includes non-invasive technology that can excite a specific region of neurons the wearer's brain using an ultrasound signal. (http://goo.gl/SHlYGN)

Pilots of the future could be able to control their aircraft by merely thinking commands : The scientists have logged their first breakthrough: They succeeded in demonstrating that brain-controlled flight is indeed possible -- with amazing precision. Seven subjects took part in the flight simulator tests. They had varying levels of flight experience, including one person without any practical cockpit experience whatsoever. The accuracy with which the test subjects stayed on course by merely thinking commands would have sufficed, in part, to fulfill the requirements of a flying license test. "One of the subjects was able to follow eight out of ten target headings with a deviation of only 10 degrees," reports Fricke. Several of the subjects also managed the landing approach under poor visibility. One test pilot even landed within only few meters of the centerline. (http://goo.gl/fUfZd3)

Toys : Necomimi Cat Ears, developed by the Japanese tech company Neurowear, use EEG to move fuzzy ears on a headband according to the user’s mood—relaxed, interested, etc. (http://goo.gl/77ogwT)

Mz Maau's Necomimi ears courtesy Kathryn Huxtable : http://goo.gl/r1J35l (Personal awesome video)

The mind-controlled exoskeleton used by a paralyzed man to kick off at the work cup: http://goo.gl/lGI9m5

Mind controlled robotic toy : http://goo.gl/JXYexa

References: http://goo.gl/42UlqQ ( Wikipedia )

ExtremeTech : http://goo.gl/dakUL8

BBC News : http://goo.gl/0H7V3M

University of Minnesota Article : http://goo.gl/J2GTLh

Earlier related post : http://goo.gl/YBcmPL

#mindcontrol #technology #science  


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