#artificialintelligence #storytelling

#artificialintelligence   #storytelling  

Originally shared by Libbie Lala

Artificial Intelligence and Storytelling.  Will your computer or tablet be able to think up entirely new stories on its own?

"MY, WHAT a big mouth you have, Grandma," says Little Red Riding Hood, with just a hint of suspicion. The wolf sneezes. "Bless you," says the little girl.

Sound odd?  That's because this snippet of Little Red Riding Hood was written not by a person but by a piece of software called Xapagy.  It may not seem like much, but it demonstrates a first step towards computers that can invent stories.  It also signals a new approach to designing a more human-like artificial intelligence.

Read more at New Scientist:  http://tinyurl.com/copjrku
Image:  http://witcheri.blogspot.nl/2011/05/little-red-riding-hood.html


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