iTray - flying robot delivers food to diners’ tables

iTray - flying robot delivers food to diners’ tables

In #UK, a restaurant placed meals on tray and loaded onto a wifi-enabled #quadrocopter to offer food to diner’s table. It is remotely control with an iPad through the on-board camera.  #iTray travels up to 25 miles/hour with distance of 50 yards, delivering food faster than ordinary waiter. 

Video: YO! Sushi: The world's first flying waiter - the 'iTray'



  1. Until someone gets injured by the rotor blades. Which I would imagine would also throw the food everywhere. Neat idea, but slightly dangerous and pointless.

  2. Sam Castillo but I bet you would want to go there just to be served by a robot.. ;)

  3. Yes, it would almost be the point to go and see for yourself if it is pointless.

  4. Sam Castillo  Your right it's pointless but it's just for fun , but i do think with an advanced AI system in the future and putting a cover for the blades just like some other models it won't be a silly idea .

  5. crash land , serve in lap, hot chow chow


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