

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

LOL the media. They have no idea regarding the future. In fact many scientists are clueless about accelerating technology. So what will the future be really like? By 2045, at the latest, the changes to our lives, which I will list below, will totally blow-away the small-minded dimly grasped future of the Daily Mail and others.

1. Everything will be free for everyone, which means anything you desire can easily be accessed. Via a combination of ultra-sophisticated technology (nano-tech, high-power-AI, and 3D-printing) we will stretch available resources to essentially infinite levels and this is only on Earth. Beyond Earth there are endless supplies of any resource you will ever need. There will be no waste, energy harvesting will allow solar power, and other free energy sources, to power everything. Nobody will need to work, everything will be automated.

2. The majority of people will have left Earth to create strange new worlds in our solar system and beyond. Every individual will be able to print their own personal spaceships or any size they desire. Planet-size spaceships will be printed in a few weeks at the most.

3. All disease will have been eradicated, people will be immortal and eternally youthful. Via stem-cells, other aspects of regenerative medicine, 3D-printing of organs, and medical nanobots, people will easy renew their bodies indefinitely (old people will have their age rewound to whatever age they desire). The human body will be updated via gene therapy so that we never grow old or decay. We will also acquire superpowers, such as being able run super-fast, exist for hours without breathing, lift very heavy weights due to super-strength. Every sense will be improved so that basically you will be Superman.

4. We will create strange new life-forms. We will be amazing, we will do great things, we will be very creative. Anything will be possible, thus fears about climate changes will be groundless because we will effortlessly control any environment we desire. We will totally master every aspect of nature. We will fully realise "machines" are biological.

The predictions, which the Daily Mail reported on, are ludicrous, for example a Big Mac burger has not even doubled but milk has an increase of around 300 times. The reality however regarding prices is that everything will be free. The predictions mentioned in the Daily Mail report are from an "investment firm" thus you see now the bias of money relating to their current interests, their current vested interests, blinds them to the true picture of the future. It is sad when such nonsense is published via mainstream news organisations, it is sad because it slows down the transition into our future, it means people dismiss future possibilities thus they plod on in ignorance, they foolishly think their old way of life will always persist, which delays progress.

The Daily Mail wrote: "A pint of lager is expected to cost £476.86 but the price of a Big Mac, which has remained remarkably stable for the past decade, will rise only slightly to £3.73."

The Daily Mail also mentions separate research by http://www.futuretimeline.net/21stcentury/2045.htm, which is closer to reality but even those predictions are inaccurate, for example the merging of human and machine. Many people in the futurology community assume the human-machine-merger will entail humans with lumps of metal stuck into their flesh, but that is SO WRONG! That primitive 1980s cyborg vision would be correct if primitive 1980s or 2013 type machines are used in the future, but the reality is "machines" in the future will be alive, machines will function in the manner of living cells, which we already have primitive (rudimentary) example of regarding iCHELLS (http://io9.com/tag/ichell). Already via bioengineering, via DNA or bacterial computers, we can see how biological organisms are machines. Machines of the future will not be clunking metallic Frankenstein-bolts-in-the-neck contraptions. Synthetic biology will expand our understanding of machines. Remember human blood already contains iron and other metals but we don't clunk and our voices don't have a crackly electronic "TAKE~{ME||\\TO*^YOUR_LEADER" tone: http://www.livescience.com/18247-metals-human-body-health-nigms.html.

The predictions by Future Timeline, mentioned by the Daily Mail, are better despite still being primitive (the clunking cyborg vision), furthermore their predictions will be possible by 2045 at the latest not 2083: "...fully artificial organs that never fail, bionic eyes and ears providing superman-like senses, nanoscale brain interfaces which greatly augment the wearer's intelligence and synthetic." And some on the predictions are simply BS: "The 2080s will not be so bright for many animal species though as lizards and polar bears will be extinct, whilst agriculture is set to suffer as a result of ‘deadly heat waves.’" LOL, this is utter nonsense: "They believe that forest fires will rage in many places while prolonged, ongoing droughts will cause many rivers to run permanently dry."


  1. Um... no. That's not how 2083 is going to be. Why?

    Simple. We'll have eradicated each other about 30 years prior. Humanity's not making it past 2050. I anticipate the next global war by 2020.

  2. Your predictions may be a little rosy, but the predictions in the article are downright ludicrous. They don't even take into account current trends that will pay off long before 2083.


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