Discarding your body for better #Space functioning is incredibly primitive technology.

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Discarding your body for better #Space functioning is incredibly primitive technology. It is comparable to mounting a floppy disk reader in your head a few years before wireless flash brain interfaces #BCI are invented. Future exoskeletons will be so ultra-high tech you won't even be aware you are wearing one.

Yes in the short term this primitive tech may be useful for early adopters, but in the longer term there will be no mass uptake until the tech becomes ultra-sophisticated, which means you won't need to be a disembodied brain to do anything.

The Daily Mail wrote regarding professor Warwick: "He said that we could one day send a vehicle to an alien planet with a human brain inside."

And: "He believes we could slow global warming by upgrading our bodies to be more environmentally friendly."

LOL, if you can send a brain you can send a body, or if you send a brain the brain will soon be overtaken by quicker spaceships carrying entire human bodies, subsequently invented due to accelerating technology. Furthermore if you can be a brain without a body you will also likely have the technology to reverse global warming.

The Daily Mail added: "He thinks that our current incarnation in skin and and bone may not even survive that much longer on our own planet, let alone others."

Warwick's views are comparable to rushing to buy a #Betamax video recorder a few months before they are discontinued, or buying HD DVD just before Blue Ray became the leader.

Motherboard Vice wrote: "Nanotechnology presents a second possibility for robotic enhancement, by augmenting ourselves from the inside out, rather than the outside in. Again, we're not talking about a cosmic cure-all, in which ingesting nanobots makes us 100 percent Kryptonian (if only). But this line of inquiry could be promising for warding off diseases—especially cancers brought on by exposure to solar radiation, which poses a big problem for would-be Martian pioneers." http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/be-your-own-spaceship-how-we-can-adapt-human-bodies-for-alien-worlds

The reality is humans will soon invent ways to stop all radiation, already we are starting to understand the problem (our understanding will increase massively via forthcoming Strong-AI): https://plus.google.com/u/0/112564607617850290297/posts/FDv7CGuenGg


  1. If we can export our minds to go get the experience, we certainly could have more easily retrieved the experience to input into our minds. I might be simple minded about this, but I think anyone with the guts to go, wants to bring their guts with them.

  2. I'll wait on the exoskeleton. 

    I want to mount rockets and junk.

  3. I think Jessica Meyer may be missing the point, or overstating certain issues. It's easy to say "if we can do this, then we should be either advanced enough to do this other thing, or else be advanced enough that we almost can", but reality seems to be going in another direction.

    Being mentally uploaded is easier to do by far than repairing the environment or developing faster than light travel. We are probably just three or four decades away from uploading a brain, but bioshaping the environment (or letting it repair itself to a pre-human condition) will take a thousand years, and faster than light travel may not even be possible. Remember, a human brain is just 1 system, and it works on a computational basis (which, in theory, is wholly copiable, though transferable is another matter). A biosphere is a much larger and more intricate beast, one that we don't even understand what the pieces are, let alone how they all fit together. And the closest we have to FTL travel is the Alcubierre Drive, which only works with "exotic matter" - that is to say matter that we don't even know if it exists, let alone if we can create, capture, or use it.

    Okay, so maybe we can't send brains in jars to other solar systems and back, but maybe we CAN reduce our environmental impact by transfering into virtual life. We also would not require food or rest, and would be immortal, which are reasonable pursuits regardless of the other benefits. And as for space travel, if we send a probe to a distant solar system, we could maybe beam our consciousness through space to arrive at the other world within a few years or decades rather than eons.

  4. if you are your conscience, or your conscience belongs to you, -> your mind, your soul or what the heck you want to call it, does it require cultivation? if it does, can it mature on theory?
    living on as a brain without a  body, without a "game over gene"  might be one thing, but the possibility might indeed strangle evolution?  
    termination, or just plain dying, may well be the key to moving forward, beckoning a bottom-up effect among the human race.  
    the article was stupid and interesting at the same time.


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