#robotics #robocup #video #humanoidrobots

#robotics   #robocup   #video   #humanoidrobots  

Originally shared by Vassil Vidinsky

Robots: technology, sports and art

All robots play. All fall down. But in a long run they'll get up for sure. "Here is a video from National Geographic of soccer playing robots falling down at the annual #Robocup. The robots look pretty hilarious when they fail. It's okay to laugh at them now while they are clumsy and ridiculous and not running the world and using humans as batteries and slaves"

On YouTube there is a short remark below the video itself: "They're becoming more like humans, but robots still have a long way to go." ... Not so long I think.

Again #sciencesunday thanks to ScienceSunday, Robby Bowles & Allison Sekuler.


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