#curiosity #nutrition #food #herbs

#curiosity   #nutrition   #food   #herbs  

Originally shared by Você realmente sabia?

Receita cheia de saúde: abuse de temperos naturais para deixar as refeições gostosas e mais nutritivas

Os benefícios são inúmeros. O alecrim, por exemplo, melhora a imunidade. Já o tomilho é antibacteriano, e o coentro tem grandes quantidades de fósforo - um mineral importante para o funcionamento do cérebro. Há especiarias capazes até de melhorar o desempenho sexual, como a segurelha.

Veja mais aqui: http://goo.gl/8fmIA    Dê +1 e #COMPARTILHE


  1. Interesting how we keep "discovering" that there are plenty of natural remedies available for every day use. We refine it and measure it and pull out the active compound and then it becomes medicine, at which point some people won't touch it because it's not natural any more...saying that, natural remedies i have used
    Ginger for digestion
    Dandelion leaf as a diuretic
    Arnica for bruises
    Chilli for poor circulation

    Actually chilli works with almost anything :-)

    PS apologies for replying in English

  2. No prob Samuel K. Drayton Liquid Black, there's google+ translation for that!  We can actually write in any language and everyone should be able to understand ;)

  3. Didn't use translate:-) made an effort to read it without cheating, hopefully I didn't completely misunderstand the article :-/


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