

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

scienceblog.com wrote: "The new insight also will help evolve artificial intelligence, so robot brains can acquire the grace and cunning of animals. From brains to gene regulatory networks, many biological entities are organized into modules – dense clusters of interconnected parts within a complex network. For decades biologists have wanted to know why humans, bacteria and other organisms evolved in a modular fashion."

phys.org wrote: "The team discovered that evolution produces modules not because they produce more adaptable designs, but because modular designs have fewer and shorter network connections, which are costly to build and maintain. As it turned out, it was enough to include a "cost of wiring" to make evolution favor modular architectures." http://phys.org/news/2013-01-biological-mystery-boost-artificial-intelligence.html

technologyreview.com wrote: "It should also make it easier for engineers to understand synthetically evolved systems, which can often solve problems without any human knowing how." http://www.technologyreview.com/view/428504/computer-scientists-reproduce-the-evolution-of-evolvability/


See also: http://www.uwyo.edu/uw/news/2013/01/uw-professor-helps-discover-holy-grail-theory-of-evolving-modular-networks.html


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