The Symbrion EU project in the beginning. This is the project that I'm currently working on :)

The Symbrion EU project in the beginning. This is the project that I'm currently working on :)

The aim of the ‘Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms’ project, or ‘Symbrion’, is to understand the principles that govern how robots can form themselves into a single artificial organism. The technique enables them to interact collectively with the physical world, and might ultimately be applied to real-world tasks such as rescuing earthquake victims.

‘Multi-robot organisms’ are made up of large swarms of individual robots, each slightly larger than a sugar cube, which work together to form a single artificial life-form. The organisms are able to share information and energy with one another, and to manage their own hardware and software.

#robotics   #symbrion   #replicator   #uwe   #brl   #swarmintelligence   #swarmrobotics


  1. There's a blonde woman named Sarah, dressed in fatigues, waiting just behind a hummock near your house....

  2. WOW! That's awesome! Are you working on software? hardware? a little of both? What's your language(s) development platform? Nice job.

  3. At the moment I'm writing a genetic algorithm to evolve the shape of the organism for it to be the most apt to perform a given task. I'm using a simulated environment for now, and when the algorithm is able to evolve the organism into a suitable efficient shape, we will transfer it to the physical robots ;)

    We're using Webots as the simulator and C/C++ to program it. Another part of the group is working on the hardware, I'm just focused in giving the intelligence to the robots xD The best and most exciting part imo!

  4. That is SWEEEEET! Yep software is definitely where its at. In fact someone (I think you, not sure) posted an article recently about "why its hard to make robots" discussing how motors have not evolved much over the past few decades. Many of the issues related to robotics, AI, and perception have been resolved using new algorithms with arrays of old sensors (like ir, rf, sonar, and lidar) and neural networks. Awesome work. Can't say I've used Webots as it's an expensive commercial software, but I have used Robotis Bioloid software and Gazebo. Thinking I'll give Robotics for Blender a try also. Got any good books/reference material for genetic algorithm design/implementation?

  5. That's why all my bots were software robots. I don't need a duplicate human, there are more than enough humans already. I need virtual assistants. Smart virtual assistants.


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