

#creative   #desktop  

Originally shared by Interesting Engineering

Desktop ♥
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  1. Paolo Scarabelli fantastic! haven't heard of it.. it was discontinued? really? omg.. it looks amazing.

  2. Some of those features, and the idea of an open desktop platform, are still alive in the Compiz environment for linux, which has several neat 2D and 3D effects.

  3. Jessica Meyer after it was presented in 2003 Apple threatened to sue Sun over the project of they ever commercialized it.
    Sun continued it's development for a few years, but then they run into financial troubles and pulled the plug.
    Too bad because it looks really functional, and at that time it was really ahead even of Apple.

  4. I installed Compiz, Leonardo Jones , but it seems mostly eye candy, Looking glass was an innovative concept of desktop. I love the idea of stacking the application windows as books, or turning them to write notes.
    If it were developed in the tablet/touch screen era, I bet it could have been a huge success, in 2003 hardly anyone had a computer fast enough to run it smoothly.

  5. There was another similar project called Metisse, but it seems inactive too.
    I would love to have a 3d desktop.


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