

Originally shared by arshath zameek

Don't get wet!! you'll catch a cold!

This is something that every one of us have heard and also maybe used on are children, siblings etc. But does it actually happen? do you actually catch a cold by getting wet? by sleeping with wet hair? walking in the cold?

Being cold and wet does not cause colds. Cold is caused by a virus. There are many viruses which cause the cold, but the biggest culprit is the "rhinovirus". You need to be exposed to this micro organism to get a cold! 

The infection is spread when you inhale the droplets containing the virus that are coughed out by a patient. That is why it is important to cover your mouth while coughing to prevent the virus from spreading the disease to others.  Viruses also can live on sinks, counters and other surfaces, which means you can catch a cold if you touch an object that was recently handled by someone with a cold, and then put your hands on your nose or mouth.

Going out in the cold can make you susceptible for the disease due to the humidity (which is less) of the cold weather. This causes the drying of the mucus lining of the nasal passages making the virus to easily get into your body. 

So yeah..go ahead an have an ice cream in the rain now :) 
#sciencesunday   #medicine   #microbiology     #sciencesunday  


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