#health #sleep

#health   #sleep  

Originally shared by Vassil Vidinsky

Craving for sleep: Hypersomnolence

"Anna Sumner’s craving for sleep began when she was an 18-year-old high school senior [...] When it followed her to college, she blamed it on stress [...] Then she spent a winter working in London. There, her excuse was the dark and dreary sky [...] Sumner needed sleep like an addict needs a fix. Sumner was almost 30 before finally confronting her problem [...] In the fall of 2005, she sought help at the Emory Clinic Sleep Center. She learned that her problem, known as hypersomnolence, was rare but not unheard of. Over the next six years, a team of doctors there analyzed the chemicals in her brain and in the brains of 31 other hypersomniacs. They fingered one mysterious substance as the culprit.
When they tried to publish their data, many experts simply didn’t believe it..."

For ScienceSunday co-curated by Robby Bowles, Allison Sekuler, Rajini Rao, Chad Haney, Buddhini Samarasinghe 

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