#health #technology #robotics #automation

#health   #technology   #robotics   #automation  

Originally shared by César Díaz

With the raise of automation and robotics, it seems new careers will be focused on research rather than in plain problem-solving.

Once before I proposed that in the world of automation, succeeding professions would be those requiring:

-High levels of uncertainty
-Ethical decision making (politicians and managers of robotics!)
-Human interaction (religion, motivational trainers and entertainers)
-Philosophical thinking
-Activities not explored by automation (during the time of automation research)
-Some other emerging from the new economy

It seems China is the best prepared country for the challenge of automation. This is due to the fact that it is an authoritarian regime capable of planning everything and can design an economy relying on automats.


  1. Few doctors really do much to CURE disease.  Even researchers just explore new chemicals and drugs, not CURES.  The money is in the TREATMENT of disease, not the CURE.  Most lifestyle diseases are caused by poor nutrition. Simply switching to a Plant Based Diet, raising your alkalinity levels will reverse/cure most common diseases of Cancer, Diabetes2, and Heart Disease.  Simple, yet oh so effective.  You seldom hear of it in mainstream press (owned by the big corporations, pharmaceuticals and 'health companies') but a bit of research on the Free Internet will uncover loads of ways to reverse/cure disease.  Worked for ME.  Might as well go to a machine anyway; doctors only prescribe drugs because they are NOT trained in cures, only treatment!

  2. Blaise Mibeck My doctor can hardly use a computer!  All the better IMHO.  He lets me pretty much diagnose myself, request tests (mostly blood-work) and periodic other tests.  I've been my own physician for over 8 years now. He doesn't understand how I have reversed cancer, high-cholesterol, overweight and borderline diabetes; all with Plant Based Nutrition,  I try to tell him but his eyes just roll up like I'm some nut. Still he puts up with me, orders the test so they are covered by insurance!.

  3. Skip Stein my gp here in germany is pretty much the same. i think the medicine here just works if you have something really serious and fatal, cause other than that they don't really care.. you gotta diagnose yourself and ask for the test, cause they won't do it for you unless you're really, really, reeeally sick. maybe the doctors here are just not that good and can only recognize serious diseases? there's basically no prevention here, very sad.. thumbs up to brazil, great physicians there! great preventive medicine as well. at least for middle class.. in germany, they blame the weather for everything! and if you're in pain they just prescribe a painkiller and send you home telling that if it gets worse to come back. seriously! i got that from personal experience and from all my friends and acquaintances here..

  4. Jessica Meyer Well, just do a good job of watching what you eat.  Nutrition is the key to many/most common diseases (even the cancer, heart disease, etc).  The 'Western' diet is way to rich in fat and protein.  Not enough fiber from Plant Based Nutrition is a root cause of a compromised immune system and THAT is what allows you to get sick in the first place.  Keep a Healthy Immune/Healing system with good nutrition and hopefully you only have to monitor your most excellent health!


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