#geneticallymodified #geneticengineering #geneticallyengineeredfood #gmo #food #health

#geneticallymodified   #geneticengineering   #geneticallyengineeredfood   #gmo   #food   #health  

Originally shared by Mike Elgan

Genetic engineers tell why GMO foods are unsafe.

It should bother everyone that nearly all the science conducted on GMO foods is done by companies that sell it.

Recently, two genetic engineers who oppose GMO foods issued a report called GMO Myths and Truths in which they refute claims that GMO foods are safe.

Here's a summary: http://earthopensource.org/index.php/news/60-why-genetically-engineered-food-is-dangerous-new-report-by-genetic-engineers

Here's the full report: http://earthopensource.org/files/pdfs/GMO_Myths_and_Truths/GMO_Myths_and_Truths_1.3.pdf

California is getting ready to vote this year on a proposition to require the labeling of GMO foods. The industry doesn't want you to know which foods are GMO, and they're going to spend a fortune to prevent you from knowing. 



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