#robotics #technology #future

#robotics #technology #future
Originally shared by Gunther Cox
What will the future hold for robots?
Considering the fact that technology is now doubling in advancement every 18 months what will the future hold for robots? The US government has placed a large bet on drone aircraft and is now perusing humanoid robot projects. Legislation has even been passed involving robots (on drones) so what will we be seeing in the next 20 some years? My guess is for robot rights. There is a huge push for AI development and many collages are starting to offer majors in AI programming. There is no doubt in my mind that we should be less afraid of a zombie apocalypse and more worried about a robot one. Unfortunately I don't see it as being like terminator where we will wage war with indestructible war machines, instead it will mostly be legal drama. The argument will stand with three main sides:
1. Intelligent machines have the same rights as everyone else. They can think rationally and deserve the same opportunities as biologically intelligent life.
2. Intelligent machines deserve some rights. They can think rationally but only because they were designed to do so. They are technically a form of non biological life but they are also a human technology.
3. Intelligent machines don't deserve to have rights. They are just technology that is programmed by humans to process very complex information. They are not alive because with a single deletion of code you could erase their very sense of self preservation. There is not space in the budget nor on the planet to provide housing for a bunch of autonomous computers.
Well there you have it. Whats your take on the future of technology? What stance do you the in the robot debate?
photo from: http://www.iphonewallpaperblog.com/3d/3d-graphics-girl-robot-iphone-wallpaper/
Excellent post. Without a lot of thought probably somewhere between one and two. If we create these intelligent robots we have to take responsibly for them and provide them with rights. Perhaps some of this will depend on if they are believed to be alive or not regardless of there intelligence. A very interesting subject to debate.