

#facebook #artificialintelligence

Originally shared by Robert Scoble

Facebook is keeping you from being an asshat in comments

OK, so I go over to Max Woolf's content area on Facebook, and respond to his post about +PandoDaily, (which is here: https://www.facebook.com/max.woolf/posts/326466947419794 ) but Facebook keeps me from posting the below comment. It gave me this error. Looks like Facebook is doing content analysis in real time before it will let you post and is looking to keep the service "happy." I sure wonder now what kind of algorithms Facebook is running on content.

Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? I haven't, and I've posted tons of comments to Facebook.

My comment?


I'm so glad I didn't start a media business. It's actually really tough to get new and interesting stories and to avoid falling into drama. People forget that Techcrunch was built step-by-step as a new publishing form was taking shape. PandoDaily doesn't have that advantage and, is, indeed, facing competition from social networks that is quite good indeed.

I no longer visit blogs. I watch Twitter, Google+, and Facebook, along with Hacker News, Techmeme, Quora. These are the new news sources.

Plus, Pando Daily actually doesn't have enough capital to compete head on with, say, D: All Things Digital or The Verge, both of which are expanding quickly and have ecosystems behind them.


UPDATE: we're discussing this over on Facebook too: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150829960634655&set=a.458123019654.251938.501319654&type=1


  1. My friend tried sending me a link to a 4shared folder with some screenshots from a game we were a playing but the message kept failing. Yep, censorship called filtering


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