
Showing posts from March, 2013

#inforgraphic #water #eco #food #vegetarian #vegan

#inforgraphic   #water   #eco   #food   #vegetarian   #vegan  

Originally shared by Pamela Stockwell

Some statistics on the amount of water required for ONE meal.



Originally shared by Moving Pictures

Robotic "frog"




Originally shared by Singularity 2045

A good and balanced article addressing AI-skeptics who think it is impossible to create AI because true human level AI has not yet been created despite many years of effort and prediction. The article indicates how human level AI is likely despite early setbacks, the article mentions a wealth of precursors almost inevitably leading to true AI. 

"...the devices and services that we use every day are now routinely tackling many of the early challenges of AI. Our cameras and smart phones locate faces in images and focus accordingly. Social networking websites recognize our friends in these same images and automatically tag them. Our cars can already park themselves and automatically brake when they recognize pedestrians stepping into the road, and prototype fully autonomous self-driving cars are clocking up miles on real roads. Meanwhile, closer to that original vision of human level intelligence, last year Watson, a supercomputer built by IBM, famously beat human players on the quiz show Jeopardy!, and is now being re-tasked to train medical doctors. Meanwhile Google's founder, Larry Page, has argued that the company will eventually become an artificial intelligence, and has recruited many of the world's top AI scientists to work toward this goal."

#artificialintelligence #machinelearning #AI

#robotics #swarmintelligence #swarmrobotics #robotica #inteligenciacoletiva

#robotics   #swarmintelligence   #swarmrobotics   #robotica   #inteligenciacoletiva  

Originally shared by Gehazi Bispo

Robótica de enxame: robôs unidos jamais serão vencidos
Swarm Robotics: robots united will never be defeated

Ação grupal / Grupal action

_Inspirada nas características de insetos que vivem em grupos, como as abelhas e as formigas, a chamada "robótica de enxame" trabalha com robôs pequenos e simples, que agem em conjunto para realizar tarefas complexas.-

Essas tarefas podem ser participar de um jogo de futebol de robôs, por exemplo. Mas, no futuro, também poderão consistir em coletar contaminantes químicos ou radioativos, partícula por partícula, depositando-os em local seguro.

A equipe da pesquisadora Nadia Nedjah, da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), está aprimorando esta tecnologia.

Para explicar seu trabalho, ele recorre ao exemplo das formigas que, embora não tenham um cérebro muito desenvolvido, não sendo individualmente muito inteligentes, nem tenham uma boa visão, conseguem realizar trabalhos complexos, como encontrar e usar o menor caminho do ninho à comida ou a construção de pontes vivas.

"Para isso, as formigas interagem entre si e com o ambiente ao redor", explica Nadia. (continua...)

(...)"Vamos continuar trabalhando no desenvolvimento da inteligência de enxame até que possamos colocá-la em prática. Tudo isso vai ajudar muito nas situações mais difíceis de nosso cotidiano", finaliza.

#Robótica #Enxame #inteligência #IA #ciência #tecnologia #Robotics #SwarmRobotics #intelligence #AI #Science #technology #sciencesunday #sciencebrazil

Official Galaxy Note 2 in blue in Germany! Beautiful :)

Official Galaxy Note 2 in blue in Germany! Beautiful :)

But why so overpriced? Just the color or something new?

#samsung   #galaxynote2

Excellent advertising

Excellent advertising

"The paperless society is upon us. It has us enthralled by its shiny lights and geometric screens. Whenever we look at paper, we see it with a vague nostalgia, marveling at our retrograde nature for ever having trusted it. But then along comes this profound ad for French toilet paper brand, Le Trefle."

LOL, that's definitely me! Paperless. I do look puzzled to people still using paper..

via Irina Tcherednichenko 

#paperless   #eco     #tablet    #ebook    #ebookreader     #galaxynote   #galaxynote2   #galaxynote8   #galaxynote10   #technology     #fun   #advertising   #creative

#health #vitamins #mood #energy

#health   #vitamins   #mood   #energy  

Originally shared by Ward Plunet

Multivitamins may enhance mood and energy, new study says

I think that consuming your vitamins via whole foods is the best option, but this study is worth taking a look at (but I would also like to know if a vitamin company sponsored this study). 

A daily multivitamin supplement may enhance mood and energy, according to new research conducted at Swinburne University of Technology.

One hundred and fourteen participants - both male and female - completed the study. Half took a multivitamin  and the other half took a placebo supplement.

When the researchers compared the experiences, they found significant increased energy and enhanced mood in the multivitamin group compared to the placebo group, with participants reporting feeling more energetic and alert and in a better emotional state. No negative effects were reported.




#health #cognition #neurogenesis #neuroscience

#health   #cognition   #neurogenesis   #neuroscience  

Originally shared by Ward Plunet

Sexual activity increases Neurogenesis and Cognitive function in middle aged rats

You heard it here first :)

Sexual experience enhanced the number of newly generated neurons in the dentate gyrus with both single and repeated exposures in middle-aged rats. Following continuous long-term exposure to sexual experience, cognitive function was improved.

However, need to keep this in mind.

However, when a prolonged withdrawal period was introduced between the final mating experience and behavioral testing, the improvements in cognitive function were lost despite the presence of more new neurons.




#health #sleep

#health   #sleep  

Originally shared by Allison Sekuler

Sleep: Why We Need It, and Why Society Won't Let Us Have It

Elizabeth Kolbert has a wonderful piece in The New Yorker  on the science of sleeplessness (, which describes, among other things, her own adventures in a sleep clinic (which, from personal experience, I can tell you gives you the worst night of sleep in your life!), along with a brief history of sleep patterns, and a description of how our modern school and work lives disrupt our natural (and historical) sleep patterns.

In her article, Kolbert describes how it used to be common to sleep in chunks throughout the day/night - taking naps, waking up and doing things in the middle of the night before going back to sleep again (she notes that Benjamin Franklin is reported to have enjoyed spending time in between his first and second bouts of night sleep reading naked in a chair.... ). With our current 9-5 workday, the old-fashioned approach to sleep simply isn't appreciated by most employers (or co-workers, or teachers) anymore, despite research showing that sleep deprivation can lead to decreased cognitive function (e.g., and And the effects of sleep deprivation aren't limited to humans - even honeybees have difficulty navigating back to their hive after a sleepless night ( 

But honeybees and other animals don't have to face the artificial locked-in-the-same-time approach we humans do. Animals typically arise when their circadian rhythms tell them to. We arise (or try to) when the alarm goes off.  And tomorrow, the first workday after the switch to Daylight Savings Time, many of us will have an even harder time getting up than usual. Although it's just one hour of sleep lost, it affects the health and function of many people, whether just through increased cyber-loafing ( of by increased incidence of acute myocardial infarction ( One might even ask: Is it time to end Daylight Savings Time?

Lynn Hasher and her colleagues have made a compelling case over the years that not only to different people have different best times of day (TOD), but also that how well you perform on a variety of perceptual and cognitive tasks depends on the time of day when you perform that task relative to your peak TOD, and the effect can be amplified as we get older (when performance normally starts to decline, e.g.,  

You can check your own score on a Morningness-Eveningness Scale, similar to the one used by Hasher and colleagues in their work, here: I scored, as expected, squarely in the Eveningness category. Indeed, my own visit to the Sleep Centre several years ago led to the insightful diagnosis that I was "a night person, living in a day person's world." Yeah, super helpful :)

So wouldn't it be great for all us night people - and everyone else - if we could arrange our work (and school) schedules around our peak TODs rather than being ruled by a common clock? Think how much more productive we'd all be if we were awake.

   #daylightsavingstime   #ScienceSunday  (curated by me, Robby Bowles , Rajini Rao , Chad Haney and Buddhini Samarasinghe )

Illustration by Nishant Choksi, from the New Yorker article:   UP ALL NIGHT: The science of sleeplessness,   by Elizabeth Kolbert,

#health #healthyliving #sugar #fat #fastfood

#health   #healthyliving   #sugar   #fat   #fastfood  

Originally shared by null

Whose kids do not eat fast food? Those from the food industry executives.

One reason they don’t eat their own products, is that they know better. They know about the addictive properties of sugar, salt and fat and they know how unhealthy it &

“If another country was doing this to our kids, we would be at war.” 

The Fallacies of Fat (Interview) ➜
Sugar: The Bitter Truth (Video) ➜
Sugar in diet linked to type 2 diabetes ➜
The Science of Addictive Junk Food ➜
How politics went soft on child obesity ➜

So why not simply label processed food such as cigarettes and alcohol?

Original image by McDonald's ➜